Thursday, January 3, 2013

Top 5 things I question in minecraft.

So top 5's seems to popular so I am going to do one. Todays top 5 is the top 5 things I question in minecraft. Don't get me wrong, mine craft is the best game ever. Its like legos, and video games had a baby! But there are so many things I question about this game, here are the top 5.

#5: realistic stars.
Okay so when Notch passed down his position to Jeb the first thing Jeb did was he made the stars more realistic......... More realistic? How!?!?!?!?!?!?! Minecraft tossed realistic out the window when they made it so when you chop a log of a tree it still floats. Great job Jeb gg.

#4: Squids
Now I really think that notch really could have tried harder here. you see a squid in mine craft and go, what the heck is that! That is the scariest thing on earth! Why notch why?   THATS NOT A SQUID! THATS A BOX WITH STICKS AND TEETH!

#3: Cats
Okay, so cats are awesome, they scare away creepers so they don't blow up our stuff. But why? Why did they have to be programed to sit on chest and work benches so you can't use them? I mean its so annoying! I go in my house and suddenly my cat decides to jump on my chest! aaaahhhhh! It just proves that cats are both annoying in video games and real life.

#2: No meat for killing sheep!
You would think that killing a sheep would get you meat! Haven't the people that make minecraft ever heard of lamb chops? I can't tell you how many times I have gotten on a world and all there is is gosh darn sheep! I have to walk for 20 minutes just to find a cow! please someone just fix this!

#1: the ability to name any object.
Don't get me wrong, when I was able to name anything on mine craft I was like, Yes! I can finally name my sword Sting! What I forgot is the people who play minecraft consist of middle schoolers who think its cool to swear in every sentence! Now we have objects all over our servers that have inappropriate names! I think Jeb really forgot about this detail.

These five things should be fixed and then this game would be more fun. Jeb, can you please fix these things? because I am really tired of this. Make it so you can't name your objects swear words, that is really all i want.

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