Thursday, November 22, 2012

So ends a day of thanks....... and weird questions.

So I would start a list of things I'm thankful for but it would be really long...... and full of random stuff. So I will only name a few, I am thankful for my Family, my Friends, my house, my Operation Barnabas Family, my car, my job........... and that someone bought out Hostess to I don't have to start a collection of twinkles to last me my whole life. (because my closet is getting full and i can't find my cloths anymore)

So I might as well tell you that working at a grocery store you would think that no weird stories would come from working there. I can tell you they do. I was checking out food for a costumer when he randomly out of the blue asks me, "So if your family turned into zombies would you kill them?"
So needless to say there was awkward silence trying to come up with an answer. Then pulling from my quick witt and amazing fast thinking skills I answered "............Um.......I like my family, no I wouldn't kill them."  What?! How would you answer that question?! "Yes I would totally kill them and make myself look like a psychopath and then live my whole life regretting that I killed my family!" What concerned me even more was later that day a guy came with a whole cart load of food and told me he was preparing for the zombie apocalypse......... And you people say my elevator doesn't go to the top floor.

Anyway, I'm all done for today. Have a great day, count your blessings and stay away from people who want to eat your brain.

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