Friday, November 30, 2012

Food Moocher/Music Mixer

So several people have asked my how my sister is doing. My sister is doing great, while I am writing this  she is currently sitting beside me mooching off my cereal and handing me all the raisins because she doesn't like them. We have created a system. Every morning I get up get my cereal and then sis comes and sits down beside me and looks up at me until I tell her she can have some cereal, then when the cereal is gone, she disappears. darn it! I look over at my bowl and all the marshmallows from my Lucky Charms are gone!  My sister sneaky little sister!

So in other thoughts going around in my head I created a new game for long car rides! Okay so if you have an iPod and the person sitting next to you has an iPod you can play Music Mixer! How to play is you take one earbud from you iPod and another from the other persons iPod. then you both randomly pick a song without showing the other person then start a count down to play the song. I played this with my Operation Barnabas buddy Jacob. His heavy metal and my accapella make weird combinations. Warning! do not play for more than forty minutes or you start getting headaches.

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