Thursday, August 7, 2014

I am an Ambivert

Hello all you wonderful people! I am an ambivert. This is a term that I never knew existed until recently and you probably haven't heard of this word either. An ambivert is a person that possesses traits of both an Extrovert and an Introvert. Meaning that ambiverts can "recharge there batteries" being alone and quite, and other times "recharge there batteries" around other people and being really talkative. other times they are really being okay with whatever happens that day. This really isn't the greatest way to describe ambiverts, but it the easiest to understand them at first. This personality trait isn't uncommon at all, studies show that introverts make up 16% of people, extrovert make up 16% of people, leaving 68% of people to be Ambivert. That may seem like a large number to be a trait so unknown, but because ambivert is such a hard to thing describe fully society forgot about it for the more simple extrovert an introvert traits.

The knowledge that a personalty trait existed between extrovert and introvert surprised me, because up until  few months ago I felt like I was doomed to being either an extrovert or an introvert. Just look up "introvert" and "extrovert" on There are a lot of articles about both traits, but nothing on ambiverts at this time. I was frustrated because society wanted to place me in either an introvert or extrovert when I felt I didn't belong to either. So now knowing that I'm neither and there is actually word that describes my personality is a relief.

Here are some of the links to the videos I found on the ambivert personality trait that explains the trait a whole lot better than I do.

story of ambivert


Are you an Ambivert?

Finally I leave you with the best, and probably only poem, that is a response to finding out about the word ambivert. 

Sometimes i'm a person

Monday, June 2, 2014

Super hero movie break down: X-men Days of Futures Past

If you have seen the recent movie X-men Days of Futures Past movie you might be scratching you head and trying to figure out some of the scenes from the movie. Especially the ending credit scene. If you haven't seen the movie, DONT READ THIS POST IT CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!!

Now that we have that out of the way lets start to break this movie down because even the ending confused me and I had to play that last scene through my head a couple times to figure out the movie. The last scene was amazing and I loved how they put a bunch of past x-men in it. But when suddenly Cyclops and Jean Grey are alive again and I was like, so did the past x-men movies even happen because of Wolverine changing the past? Did Wolverine still get his metal claws? Did the Phoenix take over jean grey?

To answer these questions we have to look at some key scenes. First; the scene with Wolverine being pulled out of the ocean. He was pulled out by the government and William Stryker(if you remember he was involved in giving Wolverine his metal claws), however after an eye flash he turns out to be Mystique. Even though it was mystique, clearly Wolverine is captured by the government and he probably gets his metal claws that way, but we will probably really find out what happens there in the next X-men movie.  Moving on to the question if the X-men trilogy happened we have to look at the really small scene with Rogue. First of all she has the white hair strand, and if you remember she got that from Magneto's Machine in the first movie. So the first movie still happened, also she was holding Iceman's hand. I can't remember if her hand was gloved, if it was gloved then the events in the 3rd didn't happen, if it wasn't gloved then the 3rd X-men movie happened. To explain Cyclops and Jean Grey being alive we can only assume that when Wolverine shared his memories with Professor X that Professor X saw a few pieces of Jean turning into the Phoenix and trained Jean better in contracting the Phoenix. I feel however that the events in X-men Origins: Wolverine changed drastically. Personally I really want to forget the huge failure of an attempt of bring Dead Pool in a movie.

Finally for those people confused about the ending credits scene, the grey skin boy building a pyramid with a bunch of Egyptians chanting around was En Sabah Nur, he also goes by the other and better known name Apocalypse. Apocalypse is the first mutant and is an enemy in the x-men comic books. His powers include the complete control of the molecules in his body. Meaning he can change any part of his body into any thing he wants, guns, swords, engines and really anything you can name. He also has a high intelligence level, along with a long list of mutant powers. He is also immortal, thus the reason he is in ancient Egypt and in the next x-men movie set in the 1980's.

I hope this post answered the questions you have about the movie and watch this blog for more super hero movie break downs.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What I have learned on the internet: A million monkeys on a million type writers will not recreate hamlet

Does anyone remember hearing the quote that said if a million monkeys banging on a million type writers that they would eventually recreate hamlet? This sounded like a solid idea at the time, and then the internet came along. For the first time anyone could post anything! (Yay, human achievements!) We are going to discover new things! We are going to take the next step in technology and science! Well this all as fine and well but lets just think about it. The people of the internet have come up with memes, the annoying orange and rick roll....... I don't think we have been using the internet all this well. But okay most of us know the internet is full of idiots and its stupid trying to do anything really serious that effects a lot of people.... Well apparently not everyone does.
Let me sum up my thesis in one word
Tumblr was created by David Karp in 2006 and it was meant to be a short-form blogging site. So basically is a blog sight like this, but for people who just want to create short posts about things. As of May 1m 2014, 91 million posts are being made a day. That is a lot of posts! Essentially now we have one million humans banging on keyboards so we should see some great human achievements right? ……. Sigh
 Well somewhere between 2006 and present day something went wrong. Tumblr went from a somewhat serious blogging website to this……
And this post about dreams
and this lovely post
This post about wikipedia 
And finally these two posts that sum up tumblr perfectly

So thinking about it now, no, a million monkeys on a million type writers won't recreate hamlet.  With a little help though, they might be able to recreate Twilight...... And I just lost all my Twilight readers........ But I don't care.