Friday, November 30, 2012

Food Moocher/Music Mixer

So several people have asked my how my sister is doing. My sister is doing great, while I am writing this  she is currently sitting beside me mooching off my cereal and handing me all the raisins because she doesn't like them. We have created a system. Every morning I get up get my cereal and then sis comes and sits down beside me and looks up at me until I tell her she can have some cereal, then when the cereal is gone, she disappears. darn it! I look over at my bowl and all the marshmallows from my Lucky Charms are gone!  My sister sneaky little sister!

So in other thoughts going around in my head I created a new game for long car rides! Okay so if you have an iPod and the person sitting next to you has an iPod you can play Music Mixer! How to play is you take one earbud from you iPod and another from the other persons iPod. then you both randomly pick a song without showing the other person then start a count down to play the song. I played this with my Operation Barnabas buddy Jacob. His heavy metal and my accapella make weird combinations. Warning! do not play for more than forty minutes or you start getting headaches.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

a word that should be banned

So today I'm writing a more serious post. I recently came a crossed a list of banned words for 2012. Words that are way over used and need to stop. The top banned word for this year is "Amazing." If you think about it how many times do you hear this in a day? These shoes are amazing! that movie was amazing! That hair is amazing! My dog is amazing!.......... Okay so if I get this straight, the shoes, movie, hair and dog have the same characteristics? Lets get more creative with our words people! Next time you get asked, "how was the movie" try something like, "Heartwarming," "Action packed," or "thrilling."

Monday, November 26, 2012

The things that concern me

Okay so we are in the twenty first century and there are things that trouble me. There are just inventions that concern me. There are things that have not been invented that concern me and there are role models that concern me. I mean its just little things but..... they need adressed.

Okay so in all the major achievements that we have accomplished and invented I want to know one thing: Why have they not invented toothpaste that won't ruin the taste of orange juice? I mean is it to much to ask? How long have we being with toothpaste that ruins orange juice and yet we have the Snuggie? The Snuggie! its like a blanket with sleeves!......... wasn't that called a sweat shirt? We have a lot of stupid inventions, this one would be nice so I can brush my teeth in the morning and enjoy a glass of OJ.

Another thing that concerns me is the Clapper, are we getting so lazy that we can't stand up, walk two feet turn off the light and then go back and sit down again? And what about when people are watching the football game. People start clapping the the lights will start turning on in off like a dance party. I sought that is good for the lights.

And finally I'm concerned in who we chose as top Pop/Rock artist, and best artist of the year. There are a lot of good singers in the world, why did we have to choose Justin Bieber? I mean come on, really america, you choose Bieber over all those other good singers out there? He already has a movie about his life, do we really need to keep giving him more reasons to love himself even more? But in light of that Justin Bieber might have won best Pop/Rock artist and best artist of the year, but he still hasn't won Salena Gomez's heart.  Zing!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Useless superpowers

Everyone loves superheroes right? Well here are some superheroes that you hopefully will never see in comics or the big screen.

Invisibility in the Dark man! the superpower to be invisible in the dark. Wait! we all have this power, awesome! As long as its pitch black no one will see us and we can fight crime!

Desaturation Man! the ability to desaturate! Well he's going to have a rather grey morning! Okay bad pun, lets move on.

Remote Controller! the ability to control the remote control, yep the ultimate couch potato power. This is would be a nice power when I lose the TV remote.

Bug man! the ability to revive bugs, this would work if the villain was scared of bugs, or if the villain was a little sister.

The lamp summoner! The ability to summon a lamp...... once. Oh this is really helpful, because there are situations all the time that require you to read a book in a dark room or someone will die.

There is an actual superhero who's power is truly useless and you wonder what the people that created her where thinking. Squirrel Girl from the marvel comics! her ability? she summons squirrels, one question, how is this helpful? I mean can you imagine? Stop! or I'll summon squirrels! The fact that she dated Wolverine scares me even more.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Part 2!

So once again as a great day arrives to a close, I think back on the day....... Okay it seems like I just gather weird stories! Like i'm some sort of magnet that attracts weird things. Thankfully this story isn't about me.

So if you haven't already heard this story on the news your in for a good laugh and then a head scratch. So Kroger closed at 3:00p on Thanksgiving day and everyone went home to celebrate thanksgiving. Well sometime that night while the store was closed a police car drove past the Kroger doors and saw that they where wide open. Thinking that Kroger had been broken into the policeman runs into Kroger to to find around sixteen people, all trying to use the self check out......... I have a few questions, how did they get in, why didn't anyone remember it was closed, and didn't the notice that there was no workers around. I just try to picture this, sixteen people, in a closed store, trying to use a self check out, wondering why the heck it isn't working and then a policeman comes runing in....... I think they probably where a tad freaked out about the police man.

So after hearing about that story for most of the day while I worked I thought about later that night, dreaming about Thanksgiving part 2! See, my family had decided to have another thanks giving, which was great because I had worked the day before. So I get there and told my grandpa about the costumer with the weird zombie question (See last post for story). My grandfather went on to tell me about a neighbor that was convinced there was a demon living in the walls of there house. My grandpa goes over to the neighbors and the neighbors tell him that every time they flush the toilet something starts moving around in the walls. (yeah, cause demons hate when toilets flush. Everyone knows that!) My grandfather goes into the bathroom of the neighbors house and flushes, and sure enough he heard something that sounded like a bunch of elephants moving in the walls. My grandpa looks at the toilet and finds a small object had fallen in the clasp that stops the water from going into the toilet. Since there was an object in the clasp the water kept flowing and the toilet would flush twice sending a burst of water into the pipes, which were not held down correctly and where banging against the walls. My grandpa then pulls out the "Demon" and they didn't have a problem with a demon in the walls ever since.

there are my two weird stories for the day, I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. Have a great day and beware of toilet demons.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

So ends a day of thanks....... and weird questions.

So I would start a list of things I'm thankful for but it would be really long...... and full of random stuff. So I will only name a few, I am thankful for my Family, my Friends, my house, my Operation Barnabas Family, my car, my job........... and that someone bought out Hostess to I don't have to start a collection of twinkles to last me my whole life. (because my closet is getting full and i can't find my cloths anymore)

So I might as well tell you that working at a grocery store you would think that no weird stories would come from working there. I can tell you they do. I was checking out food for a costumer when he randomly out of the blue asks me, "So if your family turned into zombies would you kill them?"
So needless to say there was awkward silence trying to come up with an answer. Then pulling from my quick witt and amazing fast thinking skills I answered "............Um.......I like my family, no I wouldn't kill them."  What?! How would you answer that question?! "Yes I would totally kill them and make myself look like a psychopath and then live my whole life regretting that I killed my family!" What concerned me even more was later that day a guy came with a whole cart load of food and told me he was preparing for the zombie apocalypse......... And you people say my elevator doesn't go to the top floor.

Anyway, I'm all done for today. Have a great day, count your blessings and stay away from people who want to eat your brain.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Why no superheroes/faultiness of Iron Man movie plot lines

As of today, no superheroes exist, but needless to say I do believe they are in hiding waiting for the right moment. Why? Because with the current media a superheroes secret idenity would be found out in a day. Then the superhero would be caught and tested on. No I don't think that sounds to great for superheroes. 

On other matters I find that marvel needs to find a new idea for Iron Man 3. I know that would cut back production of the movie but seriously they need to come up with a new plot line. If you think this plot line is new you are sadly mistaken. Okay so in the first Iron Man, Iron Man builds a suit, someone steals the blueprints, builds his own suit and tries to kill Iron Man. Iron Man 2: Someone steals the blueprints, builds his own suit, tries to kill Iron Man. from the new trailer Iron man 3 will go something like this: Someone steals the blueprints, builds his own suit, tries to kill Iron man................ Okay so I don't know how to be concerned about this, We are either completely stupid for not seeing this right away or the maker of Iron Man needs to think up a villain without a iron man suit. I can think up a good plot line, An angry worker at Stark labs seeks revenge, gets shocked so badly it should have killed him, has the ability to control electricity, Shuts down Tony Starks suit with a power surge, and tries to kill Iron Man. Boom! I just thought up a better plot line for Iron Man 3 and it only took me five minutes! if I can say so my self "Joshua Welling for the win!"    

I Forgot About Josh In the Mornings

Welcome to my blog! This is for people who need a positive outlook at life, or just need to raise an eyebrow and scratch your head in confusion. Here I will post about how I'm doing, my weird thoughts on life, jokes that I pick up and anything else that comes to mind. I will start out my blogging by telling you why I named my blog I Forgot About Josh In the Mornings. I was at my Operation Barnabas reunion, (a reunion for a six week missions trip I went on for the summer for those of you who don't know) and it was the first morning when all the guys from the trip where together. We were all waking up and I was my usual chipper self in the mornings. I was going off on one of my odd thoughts and Trevor with a confused look on his face stops me right in the middle of my rant and said, "You know, I forgot about Josh in the mornings." To which my reply was, "That would be an amusing title for a TV show." So that is how the name of my blog came about. More stories of my random stupidity on Operation Barnabas will probably follow in future posts so you can understand where Trevor is coming from.