Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Top Acappella Bands

To say I love acappella is an understatement, acappella is the best thing to happen since caned peaches. I love it because its such a unique sound. To sit there as one of your favorite songs is being sung completely with voices and go, "How they heck do they do that!?" What I simply love about acappella is its something that you don't need instruments for, but is incredibly hard to pull together. Trust me on this one, durning Operation Barnabas me and a few of my buddies pulled together to sing the Lion Sleeps Tonight acappella. I'm not going to lie, we didn't do so hot, but it was fun to be a part of it and we did things to make people laugh. I loved it cause I finally got a chance to beat box. What is truly amazing is that acappella is completely internet based, its really the only place to hear it other than a concert. So for those of you just starting acappella here is my top 5 accapella bands.

5. Mike Tompkins
Mike Tompkins, a one man band, is completely youtube based but a rising hit. No list is complete without him really. Mike is really a forerunner for acappella, He does a wide array of music, but truthfully he is the only one I know to take on dubstep songs. You will probably never hear him in concert but he is one of the best.

4. Juxtaposition
Juxtaposition is one of my fav's because they have a large sound, and I usually don't care for acappella bands this large, but they seem to pull it off quite well.

3. Vocal Point
You really have no idea what song these guys will take on next, from music from popular video games to billboard hits, and they just can't help but make you smile. They understand that music isn't only sound, is the act you put with it. I defiantly suggest you look these people up on youtube you won't regret it.

2. Cloud 9
once again these people know how to put on an act. They are truly fun to watch. You listen to there music and its blows you away. The do a great job of combining sounds that blend together. I really don't know why i like them I just do! So go listen to their music, maybe you'll find out.

1. Pentatonix 
These guys where the first acappella group I heard, the winners of the Season 3 Sing Off which is surprising since they pulled together just a few hours before the audition. These guys are small but carry a big sound. When I mention acappella the people who listen to acappella will mention Penatonix. About everyone that loves acappella loves pentatonix, they are band that I always come back to. They are the current hit when it comes to acappella. I truly can't tress how amazing this band is.When acappella makes it on the radio this band will be the first. 

This list is mine alone and what I feel are the best bands. I just hope that when you heard these few videos you are caught wanting more. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Am I a psychopath because I played legend of zelda?

So with all this talk of gun control and the news media freaking out every time there is a violent act the question has come up: Does violent video games make you a violent person? This question seems to come up every freaking time a kid does something violent, people look into his life and go "ah! he played Deep Space 9!" or "He played Grand Theft Auto!" Like this explains why he became violent and decided to comment a crime. I have seen news people do this and am like, uuuuuuuhhhhh............. o.0

I mean I can see where they are coming from but seriously. One of the first video games I remember playing was Super Mario World. So what people are saying that I am going to become a violent person because I stomped on Gombas heads? WHAT??????...... NO!  Okay so I realize that there are some really violent video games out there. But I have played a few and I can say that I have never felt  like going out and robbing a bank or something. The only video game that made my have violent thoughts was Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. I love this game, it truly is a classic super nintendo, but I remember several times when I was running around in the game for hours trying to find out what to do and getting so mad I wanted to throw the super nintendo out a window. This has been the only violent action I have ever had when playing a video game. I don't like it how one of the things news people look at is if the person played violent video games. We have had psychopaths years before video games! What did they train on? the Andy Griffith show?

I think instead of looking at the video games they need to look at the family life, what morals the kid was raised on. News people just what to throw video games under the bus, I don't think they want to look at morals because it might challenge there agenda.    

Monday, January 14, 2013

idiot proof?

Now I realize that there are days that we all feel like an idiot. Like today I raised my hand in class and then suddenly forgot the question when the teacher asked what the question was. Or the time I was trying to figure out why the super nintendo wasn't working, turns out I forgot to plug it in. I'm sure we all have felt like an idiot at some point of time or another but I always can find some many people that are more idiotic than I am. Have you ever read the warning labels on products you buy? they give you a great idea how some people have tried to use them. This is one way to feel better about yourself that is easy because you find them all over the house. Here are just a few so that you can feel that a least you aren't this stupid.

Lets start with something that we all know and love, the iPod Shuffle. Read the warning label on that sometime. it says:"Do Not Eat" (Well I guess it is an apple. don't worry though, hopefully they will make one in the next 3 months that tastes better.)

Anyone have a Iron by Rowenta? Good! cause apparently someone really stupid used this product, on the warning label it says: "Do not iron clothes while they are being worn."

on the Lable of a Child-Size superman: Warning! wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly. (Darn! you would think that would be one of its functions)

If you think the bar can't be dropped any lower I am here to say "Oh it can!" Did you ever realize there is directions for poptarts? Yeah I didn't either but thankfully this company was thinking of the stupid people out there. I feel sorry for the people that use Dial Soap the Directions are. "use like regular soap." Yep there is someone out there panicking because they don't know how to use regular soap.

However one that always makes me laugh is on a hair dryer it says, "Do not use while sleeping." Darn, thats the only time I have to do it!

I only mentioned a few, there are so many out there to find. So when you are feeling like an idiot just read some labels and feel better about yourself.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Super Me

So I have been thinking, (I know its shocking, bur bear with me.) do I have a superpower? I have come up with the answer, yes I do. I know you guys are probably just face palming or shaking your head going "Joshua, give it up man, you don't have a super power and you can't get one by getting bit by something radioactive." I'm not talking about anything from a comic book. I may not be able to fly, shoot webs, or have super strength but I do have one super power that I think tops them. I have a power to be super positive, I can take any situation and add humor, sometimes I only get the joke but thats fine, at least I'm laughing. I for years have known that I am a positive person, on Operation Barnabas I was known for being positive. When I took a strength test quiz for school my top strength was positivity. So today I had an epiphany, I have a super power. One of my favorite quotes is "Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves, for the shall never cease to be amused." I take this quote to heart, because I find myself laughing at myself all the time. I will admit it, I'm weird. (I know that just shocked you off your chair) I find myself scratching my head at my antics, but I laugh at them. One thing I am amused at is that for some reason, if someone states even a line similar to a song, the song will suddenly loop through my head and if anyone asks me a question, if it can be answered in a song I will sing it. This is just one weird quirk about me, I'm sure you people know a lot more. I like to think that I am looking through a telescope from the other end at the random and weird world we call home. This allows me to see the world differently and see all the little funny details people miss in day to day life. Laughter is best passed on to others, thats why I will often tells jokes. Laughter to me its contagious, one thing I like catching all the time. So what does this have to do about super powers? Well how many people do you know like me?..... Yep, like a thought, not many if not none. I am one in few that has this gift, I am super positive. Now I don't simply take all the credit, I myself have to find strength in God to find my humor, and find my humor dwindle when I'm not reading the bible each day. I today claim that positivity is a super power, because it is hard to find humor in this world. I see people that look like a haven't laughed in weeks all around me. Like how people in the comic books where scared about the X-men, I am sure I scare and confuse many people with my positivity. Positivity scares others, because quite frankly the don't see it to often. Magazines are littered with top ways to have a positive life, to have a successful life. Its what everyone is trying to find. For some reason, (maybe because I hit my head when I was a baby) I have the gift of positivity.  I am a superhero, trying to save people from depression and sadness through humor and stupidity. True i'm not like superman, spider-man, or any of your favorite superheroes. As I read in many comic books, superheroes have a heck of a lot of problems. why would I want to do anything they do if I can find joy and help others find it to? So you will never see me swing from building to building, fly over your head or pick up a car, but I will hopefully always greet you with positivity, and hopefully bring laughter through my jokes or stupidity.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Top 5 things I question in minecraft.

So top 5's seems to popular so I am going to do one. Todays top 5 is the top 5 things I question in minecraft. Don't get me wrong, mine craft is the best game ever. Its like legos, and video games had a baby! But there are so many things I question about this game, here are the top 5.

#5: realistic stars.
Okay so when Notch passed down his position to Jeb the first thing Jeb did was he made the stars more realistic......... More realistic? How!?!?!?!?!?!?! Minecraft tossed realistic out the window when they made it so when you chop a log of a tree it still floats. Great job Jeb gg.

#4: Squids
Now I really think that notch really could have tried harder here. you see a squid in mine craft and go, what the heck is that! That is the scariest thing on earth! Why notch why?   THATS NOT A SQUID! THATS A BOX WITH STICKS AND TEETH!

#3: Cats
Okay, so cats are awesome, they scare away creepers so they don't blow up our stuff. But why? Why did they have to be programed to sit on chest and work benches so you can't use them? I mean its so annoying! I go in my house and suddenly my cat decides to jump on my chest! aaaahhhhh! It just proves that cats are both annoying in video games and real life.

#2: No meat for killing sheep!
You would think that killing a sheep would get you meat! Haven't the people that make minecraft ever heard of lamb chops? I can't tell you how many times I have gotten on a world and all there is is gosh darn sheep! I have to walk for 20 minutes just to find a cow! please someone just fix this!

#1: the ability to name any object.
Don't get me wrong, when I was able to name anything on mine craft I was like, Yes! I can finally name my sword Sting! What I forgot is the people who play minecraft consist of middle schoolers who think its cool to swear in every sentence! Now we have objects all over our servers that have inappropriate names! I think Jeb really forgot about this detail.

These five things should be fixed and then this game would be more fun. Jeb, can you please fix these things? because I am really tired of this. Make it so you can't name your objects swear words, that is really all i want.