Let me sum up my thesis in one word
Tumblr was created by David Karp in 2006 and it was meant to be a short-form blogging site. So basically is a blog sight like this, but for people who just want to create short posts about things. As of May 1m 2014, 91 million posts are being made a day. That is a lot of posts! Essentially now we have one million humans banging on keyboards so we should see some great human achievements right? ……. Sigh
Well somewhere between 2006 and present day something went wrong. Tumblr went from a somewhat serious blogging website to this……
And this post about dreams
and this lovely post
This post about wikipedia
And finally these two posts that sum up tumblr perfectly
So thinking about it now, no, a million monkeys on a million type writers won't recreate hamlet. With a little help though, they might be able to recreate Twilight...... And I just lost all my Twilight readers........ But I don't care.